Warning when driving in Spain

Warning when driving in Spain

The next time you are driving in Spain on the AP-7, either in your own British car or in a local hire car, take care. The British Embassy in Spain has warned holidaymakers to be on their guard over a spate of highway robberies targeting hired cars and vehicles with...
Spain more popular than ever

Spain more popular than ever

Information published this week has shown that Spain is more popular than ever with tourists. Numbers have been increasing steadily over the last few years and data for 2013 shows it was no different. A record-breaking 21 million international tourists, including...
Marbella in high season already

Marbella in high season already

The number of holidays booked last minute in 2013 soared as people in the UK got fed up of the weather. However, now we have beautiful sunshine and very untypical weather, yet the number of people visiting Marbella is still on the increase. Summer has arrived early in...
How stay on a healthy diet while on holiday

How stay on a healthy diet while on holiday

Those of you that started healthy eating at the beginning of year will hit a major hurdle when it comes to your much earned summer holiday. A summer holiday is something many of us look forward to all year. There’s nothing better than escaping the routine of everyday...