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What makes a vacation club such a great way to travel? In this article we explore what a vacation club is and the many ways frequent traveler’s can benefit from owning a vacation club timeshare.

What Is A Vacation Club?

A vacation club membership is a type of timeshare ownership. Owners are normally allotted a specific number of points annually, which they can then exchange for a stay at a wide variety of resorts within their Vacation club’s network. Points operate in a similar way to traditional timeshares, in that they are usually tied to a certain season, but they provide you with the extra flexibility of taking advantage of being able to book shorter stays in larger units  or vice versa.

Why Join a Vacation Club?

First of all, a vacation club timeshare is the gateway to a long list of travel opportunities that most people could only imagine dreaming about. Most vacation clubs allow you to visit new destinations every year, meaning you won’t have to worry about being stuck returning to the same resort each time you want to go on holiday. This flexibility is what makes vacation club membership the perfect option for those who want to venture out and explore new exotic places, while on a budget. Additionally, you stay at luxury resorts featuring a wide selection of amenities and spacious accommodations. Much more so than a hotel room of a similar price! Your vacation club membership will allow you to experience your dream holiday, in a new destination year after year.

Are They Cost-Effective?

If you travel a lot , vacation club timeshares are an extremely cost effective financial investments. Some people are concerned by the cost of a vacation club membership up front, in addition of course, to the annual maintenance fees. This type of timeshare, however, will save you thousands of euros in the long run, compared to paying up front for every vacation you choose to go on. In the long run, you’ll end up spending much less on your holiday’s than you would if you paid for consistently rising hotel rooms or a costly holiday rental.



What to Look for in a Vacation Club

If you are searching for the vacation club that best suits your vacation needs, there are several factors you’ll want to consider. You’ll need to decide what types of vacations you’re interested in taking over the next few years. Every vacation club differs in terms of costs, member benefits, destinations, and ease of access. The following are key features to keep in mind when making your decision.

Club Features

The top vacation clubs include a network with a wide variety of resorts for members. Brands like Marriott offer everything from wellness spa escapes to theme park adventures to ski trips in stunning mountain towns. Some other vacation clubs are more limited in the types of resorts and destinations they offer.

Available Destinations

When you are considering purchasing a timeshare, location is without a doubt the most important factor; the same goes for a vacation club membership. If you already live in Europe and you don’t want to travel too far afield, then you might want to consider a vacation club with several European resorts such as Marriott’s Club Son Antem or Marriott’s Marbella Beach Resort

Customer Care

One of the main reasons that vacation clubs such as Marriott are considered to be the best, is because they provide members with wonderful opportunities, but understandably, some planning and organization is required prior to travel. A situation may arise whereby you need to switch destinations, cancel a vacation, or save your vacation time for the following year. The best vacation clubs will always make sure to provide you with a professional, stress-free service when it comes to resolving your issues or complaints.