A.R England

After attending a presentation at Marriott's Marbella Beach Resort early in 2016 I decided to explore the options on the resale market where I came across your website. I was impressed to see that you have a Resales Office just outside of the resort so I came along and met Andrew who explained everything very clearly. I was concerned at some of things the Marriott Sales Rep said to me at the presentation that if I purchased resale I lose two benefits one of them been the option to enrol the Resale into the Marriott Destination/Vacation Club Points scheme. I am so glad I did't fall for this as after purchasing the resale I have now enrolled it into the Destination/Vacation Club Points program meaning I can also have the Marriott Reward option on the resale as well. So anyone thinking that there is a BIG difference between direct from the Resort or Resale I´d like them to know the only BIG difference is the savings you make purchasing resale. Thanks for all your help.

A.R England

Fab Timeshare

A.R England

After attending a presentation at Marriott's Marbella Beach Resort early in 2016 I decided to explore the options on the resale market where I came across your website. I was impressed to see that you have a Resales Office just outside of the resort so I came along and met Andrew who explained everything very clearly. I was concerned at some of things the Marriott Sales Rep said to me at the presentation that if I purchased resale I lose two benefits one of them been the option to enrol the Resale into the Marriott Destination/Vacation Club Points scheme. I am so glad I did't fall for this as after purchasing the resale I have now enrolled it into the Destination/Vacation Club Points program meaning I can also have the Marriott Reward option on the resale as well. So anyone thinking that there is a BIG difference between direct from the Resort or Resale I´d like them to know the only BIG difference is the savings you make purchasing resale. Thanks for all your help.