There is nothing better than chilling on the beach in Spain with a cocktail in hand and seeing a Hollywood couple walk past you.
Spanish actress Penelope Cruz was photographed while on holidays in Spain with her husband Javier Bardem and their children and her stunning figure immediately became a topic of conversation among fans on social media. However, it is not only her beautiful appearance that has people talking but also some revelations that she has made in interviews about her current project “Ma Ma” and her movie future.

Penelope Cruz looking scared and beautiful
On the beaches of Tenerife she was photographed wearing a red one-piece bathing suit and despite only having just given birth to her second child less than a year ago she looked fabulous and likely has many a woman envious about how she is able to lose her baby weight so quickly.
In a recent interview she revealed that when she read the script for “Ma Ma” she was floored by the complexity and beauty of the character. She read the script in one night and has enjoyed every moment of the filming as it is a character that has challenged her acting ability.

Penelope Cruz looking glamorous on red carpet
However, she also revealed in her interview that she has a plan in which she will eventually direct a feature film in approximately 10 years and to help prepare herself for that opportunity by directing videos and commercials. The disclosure likely pained many of her fans who enjoy her excellent acting performances but it also provides one with a little insight into Penelope Cruz. She is someone who is always wanting to learn more about the craft of acting and directing and she does not just ‘jump in’ to something but instead takes her time to learn everything about the process.
Fans of Penelope Cruz need to take the opportunity to enjoy all of her projects in which she is featured on the big screen because she is already preparing for exit stage left to a move behind the camera.