Etiquette is a funny old thing, and it almost always applies whilst travelling. Each country or city has ‘their way of doing things correctly. Paris is no exception. But it’s not all about good manners. There are also some rules to observe for a smooth trip. See the sights of The City of Love, mais oui, and explore more from your Village d’ile de France timeshare apartment. But, before you go, browse these five travel mistakes to avoid on your Parisian visit.

Travel mistakes

Elegant, cultural and never out of fashion, Paris is is worth visiting at any time of year. Whether you want to see the sights, sample French gastronomy, or simply soak up the atmosphere. But, when in Paris, avoid these five rookie traveller errors, and you’ll enjoy your visit even more.

1. Seeing the Mona Lisa

Yes, the Mona Lisa is  famous. But a visit to the Louvre should be to admire the thirty thousand or so other famous paintings. The Mona Lisa is also minuscule. Every Nikon-wielding, sandal and sock-wearing tourist is also there before you. Selfie sticks are also pretty hazardous! Don’t bother, and avoid a black eye, it’s just not worth it. Just lie and say you loved it.

2. Queuing to ascend the Eiffel Tower

The most iconic landmark of the Paris skyline has to be seen. But, the queues for the lifts are pretty soul-destroying. You can buy tickets ahead of your trip. Book them ahead, online, and save time. You’ll still have to queue, but you’ll be quicker. They also pack’em in like sardines, so for the Paris pickpockets, it’s like Christmas every single day. Keep a hand on your valuables.

3. Eating out in the hot-spots

See the sights, take the photos, then go somewhere else for dinner. Yes, French food is fabulous, but it comes at a price that may leave you wishing you had brought a packed lunch. Avoid restaurants around the main sights, such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe, or anywhere on the Champs Élyseés for that matter. Unless you welcome the idea of food at a price served with cold Parisian indifference and your overdraft. In that case, pull up a chair Monsieur.

4. Taking the toddlers

The Metro, the cobbled streets, the steps, the queues and the crowds. Paris really is a city for lovers. None months later, forget it. It’s like a nightclub with the lights on. Pushchairs are a nightmare to manoeuvre, and they’ll hate the food. If they’re fussy about their greens, they won’t be in a hurry to try garlic served with everything. Besides, Granny would love a weekend with them. She can fill them up with all the things you won’t allow them to eat.

5. Conversing

It’s always a good idea to learn the lingo before you go anywhere. But stop right there. Chatting to that pretty Mademoiselle on the Metro will get you nowhere. Discussing the weather is a non non. Parisians do not do small talk. Leave it to the locals after please and thank you, and read the book instead. Just don’t do it!

Yes, it’s a tad tongue-in-cheek. But there’s a grain of truth in all of our tips, and Paris is a wonderful city to explore. Bon voyage!