Are you interested in going to Spain? Booked a flight but aren’t quite sure if you’re totally prepared to have an excellent time? No worries!

We’ve compiled a list of things that you should brush up on before hopping aboard a plane. Whether you’re interested in the nightlife of Barcelona or the bullfights of Madrid, Spain has destinations that will leave you with memories that last a lifetime.

Here are a few Spain traveling tips.

Important Spain Traveling Tips

Spain is a welcoming place with friendly people, a diverse natural beauty, and culture that will leave you feeling inspired and amazed. In order to fully experience the wonder of a Spanish vacation, prepare by following the tips below.

1. Understand a Little Spanish

It isn’t crucial that you’re fluent in Spanish, but it doesn’t hurt to have the basics down. You’re likely to be around people who speak English, but there will undoubtedly be times where you’re forced to interact with someone who doesn’t speak a lick of it.

Brush up on some Spanish language books. Try taking an hour each day to learn basic nouns and verbs. You’d be surprised by how much you can take in over the course of only a few weeks. Do this, and you’ll be lightyears beyond most tourists.

2. Understand Cultural Norms

We’ve all heard rumors that some countries do things that other nations find quite appalling. An amusing example is the idea that the middle finger is a sign of affection in some places.

You aren’t likely to run into too many of those taboos, but there are a few things that you can use to your benefit. For example, there aren’t any obligations to tip in Spain. You can certainly do so, but no one will expect it, and the locals don’t do it.

Another thing to keep in mind is that people in Spain eat their meals later than they do in the U.S. This tip will help you plan your day around events and meetings.

3. Be Comfortable Giving Greetings

Depending on where you’re from, you may not be comfortable saying “hello” to anyone you meet. Big cities like New York and Los Angeles often promote a culture that doesn’t value the warmth of a pleasant greeting.

This isn’t the case in Spain, and you’ll find that people regularly greet you on your way in and your way out. This is typically something as small as a “hola,” but doing so will present a more warm and friendly persona.

4. Research Spain’s Natural Beauty

You may want to take a trip and visit only the country’s largest city centers. Doing this will prevent you from experiencing some of the most valuable things that Spain has to offer. While there are great nightlife scenes in cities like Valencia and Barcelona, there is also a wealth of natural and historical beauty to experience.

For example, traversing the country from North to South will allow you to experience a few unique things. The South of Spain is home to the flamenco, a music and dance style that finds its finest form in cities like Sevilla.

Moving your way up to the North will expose you to some of the cultural adaptations that Spain has experienced over the years. In fact, many people in Northern Spain have Celtic ancestry. This heavily informs the culture and is surprising to most people who aren’t aware of it.

You’ll also want to explore the natural spoils, such as the fact that Spain produces more olives than Italy. That means loads of beautiful Spanish vineyards.

5. Utilize Public Transport

If you’re mulling over how you’re going to get from place to place, take comfort in the fact that Spain provides some of the best public transportation in the world. You can travel around nearly the entire country via Spain’s network of public transportation.

Whether it be bus, train, or airway, you’ll be able to find an affordable method of getting around the country.

6. Protect Your Pockets

Most large city centers and places that are home to millions of tourists a year have an issue with pickpocketing. There is a conception floating around most of the world that travelers aren’t the wisest when it comes to guarding their things. That conception has actually held the test of time.

So don’t be like everyone else, and consider practical ways to guard your possessions. It can be devastating to lose something like an ID or passport while traveling abroad. Make sure that you invest in some way to keep your most valuable possessions safe while you’re walking around.

7. Be Mindful of the Lunch Break

Be aware of the fact that many shops and businesses in Spain may be out during the early afternoon. While this allows you to shop later into the evening with extended business hours, you are hindered by the fact that the hours of 1 to 4 may be times that you should consider going for a hike or people watching.

Many people think that Spaniards take a mid-day nap, commonly known as a siesta. This isn’t as prominent as people think. Instead, it’s time for an extended lunch and a break from the hustle and bustle of the workday.

8. Don’t Worry About the Tap Water

Many foreign countries are places with water that doesn’t sit well in the stomachs of foreigners. This isn’t the case in Spain, and all tap water is perfectly safe to drink. This means you can save a fortune in tap water, not to mention that it will open up some space in your pack for souvenirs and snacks.

While the tap water is clean throughout Spain, it may taste different than water from your home country. If this is a concern, you’ll be pleased if you stop in Madrid. Water in Madrid is the highest quality and best tasting in Spain because it comes from the Guadarrama mountains.

Vacation in Style

If you’re looking to vacation in Spain but don’t want to take the traditional hostel route, consider finding a more luxurious place to stay. On top of utilizing these Spain traveling tips, make sure that you do your best to live in style.

If you’re looking for places that you can come back to time and time again, we’ve got all the information that you’ll need.